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make time that's just for you

Self-Investment & Schedule


Coffee Break

$150 per hour

Create a sacred space just for you. Together, we’ll delve into your heart’s desires, explore your yearnings, and uncover the wisdom your soul holds for you.


Schedule on your own  as needed, or reserve your regular spot either weekly or every other week. Please provide 48 hours notice for rescheduling or cancelation of sessions.

Books Full/Closed until 07.25
Smiling woman portrait


This Web Site, its Materials and Content (including any information provided by users) is not intended to replace or substitute for any professional financial, medical, psychological, legal, or other advice. These services are complementary in nature and do not replace primary medical, psychological or psychiatric care. It should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult your professional healthcare providers before beginning any new treatment. If you have specific concerns or a situation in which you require professional or medical advice, you should consult with an appropriately trained and qualified specialist. Those under 21 years of age should not use this site except with adult supervision.  Dena Bradford, assumes no responsibility or liability for any consequence resulting directly or indirectly from any action or inaction you take based on the information found on or material linked to on this site or on sessions.

© 2024 by Dena Bradford, MA

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